Contact us at: 302-674-3350
Dover Office: 541 South Red Haven Lane, Dover DE 19901
Lewes Office: 17605 Nassau Commons Blvd, Suite B, Lewes DE 19958
Serving our community since 2008
Comprehensive Speech-Language Evaluations
Our comprehensive evaluations include direct time assessing your child’s specific communicative strengths and weaknesses. We use state of the art diagnostic materials, including leading standardized assessments, to provide you with a detailed analysis of your child’s skills. Evaluatoins include a brief pre-test consultation to discuss parents’ specific concerns, testing conducted in our specially designed treatment rooms featuring one-way mirrored windows for observation, a brief post-test consultation summary to discuss preliminary findings, and a professional comprehensive report, including treatment recommendations.
CDSLP has become known throughout Delaware for the excellence of our evaluations and evaluation reports.

Speech-Language Treatment Sessions
Speech-language treatment sessions are conducted in one of our specially designed therapy rooms. We offer skilled treatment sessions, and include parent contact and consultation to help children master and generalize learned skills. Therapy consists of structured activities designed to improve communication skills in a natural and supportive way. We use toys, books, iPads, computers, pictures, and other materials to engage your child through play and through natural learning opportunities. Our therapists are fun and engaging AND trained to push your child. Your therapist takes data on your child’s skills every session – which means you are able to see and measure progress. Parents are welcome to relax in our reception area, or may choose to attend the therapy session by being present in the room or by observing through 1-way mirrored windows. We are happy to work with school therapists and other team members to maximize results. We offer teletherapy sessions as requested and appropriate. Please call the CDSLP office at (302) 674-3350 for scheduling availability.
Augmentative/Alternative Communication
We offer evaluation and treatment of children using various Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) systems, both low-tech and advanced. CDSLP offers therapists trained in the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), and therapists familiar with programming and therapy on various devices. Our clients use DynaVox V devices, ECO devices, iPads, PECS books, sign language, and a range of other communication methods. For more information regarding our AAC services, or to see if there is a therapist with experience using your child’s particular AAC system, please contact our main office at (302) 674-3350.
Feeding Evaluations and Treatment
Our Feeding Services are tailored specifically to meet the needs of each individual child. We offer a gentle, sensory-based approach, based on tenants of the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Program developed by Kay Toomey. This involves gradual introduction of new foods based on foods your child is already eating and follows a progression of sensory steps used to desensitize your child to new tastes and textures. We also offer a behaviorally based feeding program, which incorporates evidence-based features of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), to facilitate your child’s acceptance of new foods. Typical calls to us involve children who are eating only a limited variety of foods (French fries, chicken nuggets, crackers, etc…), children who eliminate entire food groups from their diets (exclude all fruits, vegetables, meats, or dairy), children who insist on sameness (same brand of food, same packaging, prepared the same way, same temperature, same serving dish, etc…), children on the Autism Spectrum who resist new foods or “drop” previously accepted foods from their diets, and children who gag, become sick, or demonstrate extreme behaviors (screaming, running away, throwing tantrums, etc…) when presented with new foods. As Feeding Disorders are complex, an excellent first step would be to contact the office and explain your child’s specific needs – we will then direct you towards the program and provider that may best meet your child’s needs. We offer teletherapy sessions as requested and appropriate.

Social Skills Treatment Sessions
Our facility offers individual and group social skills instruction led by experienced therapists. Social Skills sessions may include the child and therapist only, 2 children and a therapist in a dyad communication setting, or 3-4 children and a therapist in a small group communication setting. Children are carefully matched with other children based on age, skill level, and interests. Target skills include greeting others, maintaining topics, taking turns, using positive language, responding appropriately to others, repairing communication breakdowns, and many others. Adolescent social skills groups are also offered and focus on age-appropriate social skills, such as initiating conversations, choosing appropriate conversational topics, joining groups, responding to peer pressure and bullying, using effective body language, repairing conversational breakdowns, and working together as a team. We offer teletherapy sessions as requested and appropriate. Please call our main office at (302) 674-3350 for availability on dyad and small group sessions.
Central Delaware Speech Language Pathology offers periodic seminars conducted by professionals on a wide range of topics, including school-based special education issues, legal issues pertaining to families and children with special needs, specific communication disorders and treatments, Autism and related disorders, behavior management, and many others. The purpose of these seminars is to provide our families with the most up-to-date information possible on topics relevant to their child’s care. Whenever possible, the seminars are provided at reduced or no cost to our families, and are available to the general public at reasonable prices. Seminars are typically scheduled during evening hours for the convenience of those attending.
Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluations
Our comprehensive evaluations include direct time assessing your child’s specific occupational strengths and weaknesses. We use state of the art diagnostic materials, including leading standardized assessments, to provide you with a detailed analysis of your child’s skills. Evaluations include a brief pre-test consultation to discuss parents’ specific concerns, testing conducted in our specially designed treatment rooms featuring one-way mirrored windows for observation, a brief post-test consultation summary to discuss preliminary findings, and a professional comprehensive report, including treatment recommendations. We offer teletherapy sessions as requested and appropriate.
Occupational Therapy Treatment Sessions
Occupational therapy treatment sessions are conducted in one of our specially designed therapy rooms. We offer specialized treatment sessions, and include parent contact and consultation to help children master and generalize learned skills. Our therapists are fun and engaging AND trained to push your child. Your therapist takes data on your child’s skills every session – which means you are able to see and measure progress. Parents are welcome to relax in our reception area, or may choose to attend the therapy session by being present in the room or by observing through 1-way mirrored windows. We are happy to work with school therapists and other team members to maximize results. We offer teletherapy sessions as requested and appropriate. Please call the CDSLP office at (302) 674-3350 for scheduling availability.